Saturday, December 31, 2011

An Author's Karma

We all know about the law of karma; every action has a reaction. After nine years, Mariah, from my book, found me on Face Book and messaged me, "Are you still drunk?" If you've read about her, you know how dangerous she can be. Everything I wrote about her years ago still holds true. I wouldn't change a thing I said, except choose better adjectives to describe her. Anyway, she read what I wrote, and in her typical vindictive style, she wrote a scathing one star review on Amazon to slam me. This is my karma for being an author and writing something heavy about a very negitive person in my life. I totally accept my error. But I see Mariah hasn't changed at all in the past ten years. I know I have, because I laugh at her reaction now and don't let her upset me, where once I would have been fighting again with her- exactly what she wants me to do! Both Mariah and my deceased mother thrieve on the adreneline rush of fights and negitive encounters. I must say she is a great writer, much better than I; maybe she should write a book, instead of only negitive reviews that only mirror her anger and jealousy over somebody who has greater discipline than her. She displays all the behavior of a bi-polar person. I pray she seeks treatment in 2012.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My New Songs

I just recorded 13 new songs, which can be heard at or under my name, Rob Rideout. I'm quite proud of these songs. It's just me and my guitar, as I recorded them for my agent to pitch my lyrics. However, after hearing them, I'm tempted to release a CD of them in this raw version and maybe title it, "Alone".

Friday, December 2, 2011

More About Babaji

Recently this picture of Babaji has been on Youtube and Facebook. I first saw this picture in 1994 at Babaji's ashram in Haidakhan. I was told by Har Govind, the Swiss doctor who was acting as pugari at the sacred fire, that an American took this photo during a vision of Babaji. Swami Vishwananda claims it came from Badrinath and that all true Babaji devotees have one. Is this the Babaji that nodody ever really sees? He certainly looks other-worldly! Maybe this is the Babaji who appeared as His living murti in Haidakhan Babaji. Who konws? Still, I am fascinated by the continual mystery of Babaji. I've always been a devotee of Babaji, in all forms, since first reading about Him in 1971.